Are you ever curious as to what celebrities our boys in blue look like? Using the face recognition program, the mystery is finally solved! I put in a few of our favorite players and the results are both fascinating and amusing.

Our favorite running back Mike Hart was determined to look like:
1) Terrance Howard - Starred in "Get Rich or Die Tryin'."
2) Andre Braugher - That guy from "Homocide: Life on the Street."
3) 50 Cent - King of Gangsta Rap and Thug Life Icon.
I think the face recognition program did a good job here. I can see the resemblance!

Chad Henne was matched to:
1) Barack Obama: Democratic political candidate.
2) Paul Walker: The dude from Fast and the Furious.
3) Paris Hilton: Prison Bitch. Literally.
WOW! Did the program have a temporary malfunction? Did Henne's chin overload the motherboard? DAMN!

Jake Long, the Goliath left tackle, is computed to resemble:
1) Ricky Martin: Bon Bon shaker.
2) Boy George: Bon Bon enthusiast.
3) Vaira Vike-Freiberga: President of Latvia. Bon Bon!
Once again, the program did an acceptable job. I can see where these all relate.

Mario Manningham, receiver extroardinaire, was matched up with:
1) Cuba Gooding, Jr: Shown the money.
2) Jack Black: Nacho Libre et al.
3) Zsa Zsa Gabor: 40's and 50's Hungarian movie babe.
Did the computer nail this one? The Cowbell Commander says...meh.

At last! The backup QB who we never see! David Cone. He was said to resemble:
1) The creep-tastic inbred banjo kid from the movie "Deliverance." A perfect 100% match!
Who do you look like? Go to the site and find out!