Monday, August 20, 2007

Chad Henne OK With Not Being Captain.

Captain Shmaptain! Who needs it?

It was announced today that Mike Hart, Jake Long, and Shawn Crable are the captains of the 2007 Wolverines football team. Was fourth year starting quarterback Chad Henne dejected about the decision?

"I was bummed when I heard the news. But I talked it over with a few people, and you know what? Not being captain isn't the end of the world. As a matter of fact, not being a captain can sometimes be a good thing."

"Aye Aye!" Said Mr. Smee. "Tis true. I was never a cap'n. Hook got the job and ruled the ship with an But look what happened to him! All people seem to remember is how he got beaten by a little fairy nancy and how he got eaten by a giant alligator. A mighty fierce man old Hook was. Too bad."

"Yes, that Smee chap was quite right." said William Murdoch, first mate on the Titanic. "When the Titanic colided with that iceberg and water started to overtake the deck, was I going to go down with the ship? Bollocks! That's the captain's job! People mostly forget my role in the disaster - but everyone remembers John Smith! They say 'that's the bloody idiot who can't rudder a ship for all the jewels in the Tower of London!' "

"Occasionally, reconciling with the fact that you're not the captain is tough," said William Riker of the Starship Enterprise. "Sometimes, even though you know you're totally capable of doing the job, there's someone else with a special quality that makes them the right person to lead. That doesn't take away from what you have, or who you are. It takes some time to accept this, but sometimes, a the greatest act of leadership is being willing to follow someone else."

Captain or not - Chad Henne, Autumn Thunder salutes you.



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